Get a good nail clipper…and yes you can use on toenails too with more effort. Trial sized toothpaste is fairly common to come across in larger gas stations, groceries etc. Don’t bother shaving your legs…it’s really not needed and I too wasn’t a bears fan until I hiked the AT….it just kinda happens and you can try something new….remember disposable razors last only a few real shaves and yes you can use shampoo or hand soap lathered up . Laundry detergent is sold in the laundromats and on a pinch I’ve had success on buying a cup from other patrons when asked politely. Toilet paper by the single toll and many crush it down. Haircuts in town once in a blue moon if desired and can be an experience…I got a reduced price once in a small shop as the other patrons were eager to hear of the trail and the adventure.